Challenge and solution
Different classes of fire require different extinguishers to be used on them in order to extinguish the fire safely. This challenge was to ensure that learners were able to use the correct fire extinguisher for the class of fire facing them.
The solution was to use a cognitive approach and produce a learning experience that gave four scenarios with drag and drop interactions to ensure the learners were choosing the appropriate fire extinguisher for the task. Each scenario had five fire extinguishers to choose from and more than one potential correct answer, depending on the class of fire.
This task comes at the end of a learning experience on appropriate use of fire extinguishers and is a formative assessment to ascertain the extent to which the employees have grasped the knowledge. You will notice that employees have multiple attempts at getting the correct answer, as well as a help sheet if necessary. To ensure that employees are confident with the knowledge, this task should be repeated until they can complete it 100% accurately without referring to the help page.